Tuesday, January 6, 2015

WEEKLY COMMENTARY: What Presbyterians DON'T Believe

While generally living as committed Christians and followers of Jesus Christ, Presbyterians hold some beliefs different from what other Christians believe.  A while back, the Presbyterians Today magazine cited eight such belief differences in an article by Presbyterian pastor James Ayers.  

Where do you stand on each of these eight topics?

1.)  Good works or grace?  Conventional wisdom says that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.  Are you good enough for heaven?  Are you sufficiently righteous to go to heaven when you die?  Presbyterians have always insisted that, as we all are sinners at birth, no one is good enough to deserve salvation.  We are saved only by God's grace.  Despite our failures in life, God already has decided to save us as evidenced through the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus.

2.)  Reincarnation or eternal life?  Some Eastern religions say that after we die, we are reborn as another person or as an animal.  They believe that the world is an endless cycle of death and rebirth.  Therefore, that one continually gets "another chance" until we finally get it right. Presbyterians believe that Scripture does not teach reincarnation.  Instead, it points us toward eternal life in the presence of God.  Think about it ---- isn't belief in reincarnation just a severe form of believing in righteousness by one's works, as one lives over and over until we have attained a certain level of goodness?

3.)  Fate or predestination.  Some believe that every event may be caused by previous events.  If so, they say, it is an illusion to suppose that your decisions actually change anything.  If you do a good deed, that is what you were fated to do.  If you do something evil, that is just the outworking of your predetermined fate.  This is different from the Presbyterian doctrine of predestination, which says God chose to redeem us, long before we could even understand what that might mean. Because God chose us before the foundation of the world, that means we are predestined to make life's choices.  We make many free choices every day.  Predestination teaches us that God has given us a new and bigger freedom ---- the freedom to fulfill our destiny as we understand it.

4.)  Alter or table?  An alter is a place where a sacrifice is offered, and it is often viewed with special reverence.  In the traditional Roman Catholic understanding the priest during Mass re-offers Christ on the alter as a sacrifice to God.  Presbyterians believe the sacrifice of Christ has already been offered once and for all.  The sacrifice needs no repetition, and the action of a priest cannot make it occur again.  Therefore, Presbyterians see the Lord's Supper as taking place at a table rather than at an alter.  Although many communion tables are rather ornate, the table itself holds no particular significance or holiness for Presbyterians.

5.)  Purgatory, heaven, hell.  Where do people go when they die?  Many people would say "heaven or hell."  Yet in the Middle Ages people thought that if heaven is where the saints stand in the holy presence of God, and hell is where the wicked get sent, what about those people who have not had a chance to have all of their sins forgiven?  Our lives are still impure when we die, so how can we exist in heaven, alongside the holiness of God?  Thus, the doctrine of purgatory was created ---- a place where any sins not forgiven since our last confession, would be purged. Presbyterians believe God will indeed redeem us and cleanse us from all our sins, and we will be readied for heaven, without needing to postulate a third possible place to go when we die.

6.)  Ranking sins.  In Roman Catholic thinking when you die you are carrying the guilt of all the sins you have committed since your last confession.  If your sins are venial (relatively slight), you will now work them off in purgatory.  A mortal sin, in contrast, cannot be resolved in purgatory.  An unconfessed mortal sin means you are damned to hell.  Presbyterians do not believe that sins can be graded this way.  Sin is sin.  Forgiveness is God's free gift in Christ. Confession and assurance of pardon are not what enable God to forgive us, but rather what enables us to recognize or feel or experience that we are forgiven.

7.)  To whom do we pray?  When you have problems, you may ask your friends to pray for you. But why restrict yourself to present-day friends?  Why not also ask radiant Christians from previous centuries to offer up their intercessions on your behalf?  This is perhaps the most positive way to think of praying to the saints.  Yet there is a problem here.  Asking Mary (the mother of Jesus) or Saint Joan to pray for you becomes praying to Mary or Saint Joan.  But praying is an act of worship and devotion, and this should be offered only to God, in the Presbyterian view.

8.)  Authority figures.  Where is the authority of the church based?  Our differing understandings of appropriate church governance are perhaps the greatest source of disagreement among Christians.  We have different ways of ordering our lives together as communities of faith. Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist and Episcopal churches believe that temporal authority is carried in the office of the bishop.  The doctrine of the "historic succession of bishops" means that bishops receive their authority from previous bishops, all of whom received their authority from still earlier bishops.  Catholics and some Anglicans trace this authority back to the apostles themselves. Presbyterians believe church authority is not carried in individuals this way.  Instead, church leaders can declare the will of God only on the authority of Scripture.  Presbyterians are on record that our way is not THE way, but simply the way that works best for us.

Now that you have taken the test, how "Presbyterian" do you think you are?

These thoughts are brought to you by CPC's Adult Spiritual Development Team, hoping to encourage you to pursue some personal spiritual growth this winter at CPC.

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