Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Weekly Commentary: Do You Really Understand Poverty?

At lunch one day with a couple who were long-time friends, they were full of stories about a vacation trip they had just taken.  It was a cruise to a distant part of the world, which included stops at numerous ports I had always wanted to visit.  When I left them, I was excited about taking that cruise myself ---- that would be an ideal vacation adventure!

I looked on the internet for similar cruise opportunities, and importantly to answer the question "What would it cost?"  After an hour or two of thorough searching, I had found several cruise alternatives, but they were pricey!!  To be honest, they were beyond my budget ---- way beyond! What a disappointing discovery.  I guess I was too "poor" to enjoy the cruise life that my friends had raved about.

Recently, I read a magazine article about the World Bank.  You will remember that at the end of World War II, the Bank was remarkably successful in financing the rebuilding of war-torn Europe. The report I was reading said the modern-day mission of the Bank is to assist low-income countries around the world, which means attempting to eliminate or reduce their poverty.

Interestingly, they had found that people in the relatively developed economies (that is, the financial donors to the Bank) usually describe "poverty" differently than do the poor in the low-income countries they intend to help.  While the poor people of less-developed countries mention having a lack of material things, they tend to emphasize  their condition in far more psychological and social terms compared to the people in donor countries.  The people in poverty in less-developed countries typically talked in terms of shame, inferiority, powerlessness, humiliation. fear, hopelessness, depression, social isolation, and voicelessness.

On the other hand, the leaders in developed countries tend to see "poverty" as a lack of material things such as food, clean water, medicine, housing, etc., when they talked about "the poor".

Somehow we must embrace both perceptions of "poverty" if we aim to change anything for the better.  If, in working with poor people, we treat only the symptoms, or if we mis-diagnose the underlying problem, we will not improve their situation, and we might actually make their lives worse.

While the World Bank's focus today is on less-developed countries, we should not forget that we have poverty in the U.S. and in other developed countries.  So, we don't need to go to foreign less-developed countries to experience and appreciate the psychological and social dimensions of poverty.  It is nearby, if we look for it.  For example, last summer CPC conducted a week-long mission trip to an economically depressed area of Maryland, to live with and do light construction work amidst an impoverished community.  This close working relationship with the "poor" helped the mission team members break through the stereotypes many of us have of the "poor", and better understand the psychological and social side of poverty.

There are many such examples of how churches and other groups have acquired a sense of the psychological and social aspects of poverty, for a more well-rounded understanding of poverty's challenge.  They now see that there is more to it than just sending money.  They have acquired a better understanding of the people they are trying to help.

The lesson for me is that my "poverty" is actually quite unlike the type of poverty we have just been talking about.  For my comfortable life style, it is required only that I be prudent when choosing my options for how I use my greater material resources ---- choices that the desperately poor are not afforded.  For me there is merely disappointment when I cannot keep up with my wealthier friends, but no feelings of shame, inferiority, fear, powerlessness, humiliation, hopelessness, depression, social isolation or voicelessness.  I have to put my "poverty" in perspective.  I must remember that while I sometimes may think I am "poor," my situation will not, and should not, support an application to the World Bank for a loan.

These thoughts are brought to you by the CPC Adult Spiritual Development Team, hoping they will encourage your spiritual growth this fall.

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