Thursday, October 15, 2015

WEEKLY COMMENTARY: What Would Jesus Tell Us Today?

At the time Jesus was crucified, Christianity was an insignificant Jewish sect, centered around the city of Jerusalem.  Soon after, the disciples did as Jesus had told them and went to a mountain top in Galilee, where they encountered Jesus again.  There Jesus told them:

          "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
           Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
            them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
            Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
            commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the
            very end of the age."                (Matthew 28: 18 - 20)

Down through the centuries, this directive became known as "The Great Commission," and it has been the inspiration for missionaries and teachers of many Christian denominations.  Indeed, the disciples Peter and Paul, and others who believed in what Jesus taught, took risky journeys among the Gentiles to teach and preach about Jesus.  Christianity eventually became the standard for the Roman Empire, and much of Europe and the Middle East were converted.

With my somewhat simplistic knowledge of the spread of the faith, I was surprised when I read recently that the place where Christianity was started seems now to be moving in the opposite direction.

In a recent issue of the Christian Science Monitor Weekly, there was a lengthy article entitled "A Middle East Without Christians?"  The author was a Monitor staff writer, reporting from Bethlehem, in the West Bank.  She wrote, "Two thousand years after the birth of Jesus, Christianity is under assault in the Holy Land and across the entire Middle East, more that at any time in the past century."  She quotes some informed observers as speculating that one of the world's three great religions could vanish entirely from the Middle East region within a generation or two.

The Monitor staff writer continues:  "From  Iraq, which has lost at least half of its Christians over the past decade, to Egypt, which saw the worst spate of anti-Christian violence in 700 years in the summer of 2012, to Syria, where jihadists are killing Christians and burying them in mass graves, the followers of Jesus face violence, declining churches and ecumenical divides.  Today, fewer than 500,000 Christians remain in Iraq from a prewar population of between 1 million and 1.4 million.  As many as 450,000 of the 2 million refugees fleeing Syria today are Christians. Christians now make up only 5% of the population of the Middle East, down from 20% a century ago."

It would seem that as political Islam has gained support, Christians can no longer find refuge in a shared Arab identity with their Muslim neighbors, but are instead increasingly stereotyped by an emphasis on religious identity.  Calls for citizenship with equal rights are countered with stories of Islamist extremists demanding that Christians convert to Islam, or pay an exorbitant tax, or die! Naturally, this has prompted many Christians to flee their country.

Historians tell us that there have been many cycles of Christian persecution and prosperity over the centuries.  But those who study these trends see four major differences between the problems Christians face today in the Middle East, and those of the past.

First, jihadist groups have access to weapons today on a scale unknown in history.  The disciples of Jesus were not confronted with road-side bombing and aircraft attacks.  The ability to kill and injure one's enemy has been much "perfected" since Jesus' time.

Secondly, propaganda can be spread today more easily by the enemies of Christianity than ever before.  In the time of Jesus, family tradition determined life values for most people.  Today, values are taught subtly on cell phones, T.V. and other media, which often devalue tradition.

Thirdly, because of Western military involvement in the Middle East, local Christian communities are more easily accused of disloyalty to their own society, given the assumption that their loyalty would be to the West.

Fourth, it would seem that today's social and religious values are seen as of more consequence than perhaps they were in the time of Jesus ---- in the sense of being more "black" and "white". The Bible notes there were certain tribes and classes of people with which one did not associate. Today in the Middle East, members of different tribes, classes or faiths may be strongly "encouraged" by extremists to adopt the Muslim faith or be punished with death. Furthermore, today in the Middle East one's religion may be the primary test for a job, not whether one is qualified to do the job.

For those Christians whose families literally live in the present turmoil of the Middle East, what would Jesus tell them to do?  We know from Matthew 5:44 that Jesus told his disciples, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."  It would seem that confrontation with one's enemies is not what Jesus had in mind, even two thousand years ago.  Today, perhaps the only way to avoid that confrontation with a determined enemy is to move physically to a safer place. That is what much of the population of Syria has already done.

So, what is our role if we are to stand behind these refugee Christians?  Perhaps Jesus would say it is to welcome them, feed them, educate their children, help them obtain jobs, and guide them in a new culture to become self-sufficient, contributing citizens.

Do you remember the story of the Good Samaritan?  A traveler came upon an injured man on the side of the road.  But the man was not of the traveler's tribe.  Nevertheless, the traveler cared generously for the injured man.  Could Jesus be saying we are called to do the same?

These thoughts are brought to you by CPC's Adult Spiritual Development Team, hoping to encourage you to pursue some personal spiritual growth this fall at CPC.

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