Tuesday, February 19, 2019

WEEKLY COMMENTARY: There Are Two Ways To "Get Right" With God. One Way Works ...... The Other Way Does Not

Most of us will admit that from time to time we do or think wrong things.  We understand that God may not really approve of such behavior on our part.  How do we "get right" with God?

In the Book of Luke, Jesus offers us this helpful parable (Luke 18: 10 - 14).

          "Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax
            collector.  The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God, I thank
            you that I am not like other men ---- robbers, evildoers, adulterers ---- or
            even like this tax collector.  I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.' "

           "But the tax collector stood at a distance.  He would not even look up to
            heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' "

           "I tell you that this man [the tax collector] rather than the other, went home
            justified before God.  For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and
            he who humbles himself will be exalted."  

In one sense, the Pharisee certainly was a good man.  When he says he gives a tenth of all he gets, that means he's generous to the poor.  When he says he doesn't commit adultery, that means he's a faithful husband.

But, let's look at the Pharisee's prayer ---- whenever we write a thank-you note to someone, aren't we thanking them for things they have done for us?  However, this Pharisee says, "God, I thank you," and that's it.  That's the last reference to God in the prayer.  This prayer is all about the Pharisee himself.  This is self-worship.  Underneath the veneer of God-centeredness is utter self-centeredness. Underneath the veneer of all that God-talk and all the God-activity and all the morality, is adoration of self.

The Pharisee's view of acting morally right and being righteous seems to have two characteristics: 

1.) His understanding of sin and virtue is completely external.  It's completely focused on behavior and the violation of, or the keeping of the rules.  It is not looking inside.  It is not looking at character.  Sin is perceived completely in terms of discrete external actions.  Notice, he doesn't say, "God, I thank you that I am getting more patient.  I'm getting to be a gentler person.  I am able to love people I used to not be able to love.  I'm able to keep my joy and peace, even when things go wrong."

 2.) The Pharisee says, "I am not like other men," implying, "I am so much better." ----- is he perhaps looking down on those 'other men'?

Now, consider the tax collector.  What can we learn about repentance from his attitude?

If you think of sin as completely external, and compare it to the external sin of others, as the Pharisee did, there is always somebody who has committed more sins than you.  You are only ever sinner, you are never the sinner.  The Pharisee is thinking of his sin in comparative terms.

On the other hand, what the tax collector is saying is, "All I know is I am lost, and where everybody else is, does not matter."  The tax collector is not just looking at the actions he has done wrong, he is not just looking at his discrete external actions ---- his whole understanding of himself is that he is the sinner.  It is a part of the identity he was born with.  He asks for mercy.  He sees that he depends on God's radical grace, on God's unwarranted forgiveness.  He cannot cure the problem himself ---- it is beyond his own will power.

The attitude of the tax collector shows us that real repentance involves real sorrow over our sins, and over the way it grieves God.  Fake repentance is merely sorrow over the consequences of sin and the way it has grieved you.  Self-pity may appear to be repentance, but it is not.

Jesus says the tax collector went home "justified" before God.   What does Jesus mean by "justified before God"?  What is "justification"?  Scholar and Presbyterian pastor Timothy Keller says that in this parable, Jesus introduces us to a universal problem ---- the problem of our righteousness, and then Jesus gives us two figures, each of whom represents a particular solution to the problem.  One solution does not work, says Keller.  The other one does work.

The Pharisee is trying to justify himself by his good deeds and by his conscientious religious practices.  He is keeping God's rules, but in such a way (focusing on the external) that it makes him feel good about himself.  So, he can say, "Now, God, you owe me."  He is keeping God's external rules as his way of getting "right" with God.  His purpose is his own benefit, not really living for God's purposes.  He is not depending on God's radical grace.  The tax collector, on the other hand, shows by his words and actions that his commitment is not just to things he will do or not do for himself.  He is utterly depending on God's mercy. 

These thoughts are brought to you by CPC's Adult Spiritual Development Team, hoping to encourage in you some personal growth this year at CPC.

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