Last December, WEEKLY COMMENTARY began a two-part
report on this team's activities in 2018. Now that the team's financial
year is complete, we can take a final look at their outreach in year
2018. After a short overview, we will look briefly at some of the
entities which were granted CPC funding, and what they were trying to
What are the team's resources? The CPC Session gave
the team a 2018 budget of $68,604. Importantly, the team is also blessed
with a long-standing endowment of more than $4 million. However, the team
has disciplined itself to spend no more than a portion of the annual income
from this Mission Endowment Fund. For 2018, they declared that limit to
be $400,000. This endowment arose from the bequest of Lena Willis, a CPC
member who passed away in 1994. She gave CPC a gift of $3 million to be
used to support the Church's mission activities. We were directed to pay
particular attention to care for New Jersey's homeless. But, through
prudent funds management and a generous stock market in the intervening years,
the principal value of the Fund has grown by 25%, despite our generous annual
grant giving.
Therefore, the total financial resources of the Members In
Mission Team were $68,604 plus $400,000, amounting to a grand
total of $468,604 for 2018.
You might be interested in the range of where the team
committed these grant funds in 2018:
---- 22.3% ($104,500) Youth development
---- 18.1% ($85,000) Providing temporary
or permanent shelter for the homeless
---- 16.0% ($75,000) Pre-K education for
disadvantaged children
---- 12.7% ($59,500) Food and simple
clothing for the homeless
---- 7.6% ($35,000) PCUSA
programs for national disaster relief
---- 7.4% ($34,000) Non-U.S.
economic/social 3rd World Development
---- 5.9% ($27,604)
Presbytery's annual Per Capita Assessment
---- 5.0% ($25,000) CPC
Capital Campaign (also pledged $25,000 for each of the
next four years)
---- 3.0% ($15,000) Nadia Ayoud
(our missionary in Greece assisting refugees from the
Middle East
---- 2.0% ($8,000)
Short-term personal financing to prevent homelessness
100% ($468,604)
After that "global" view of the Mission Team's
2018 work, it would be fair to ask who specifically
received these grants, and could we say something about what
the recipient will try to do with the money we have given them. But the
limited space required of WEEKLY COMMENTARY severely limits us from us
from substantial answers, so please be guided by the following:
1.) Youth Development (22.3%)
---- Greater
Life (Newark, N.J.) $30,000.
---- Restore
Ministries (Elizabeth, N.J.) $25,000.
---- E'port
Center Tutorial Program (Summit/Elizabeth) $12,000.
---- YMCA
(Summit) $10,000.
---- E'port
Center School Bus Replacement (Elizabeth) $10,000. A dependable
bus is essential for most of E'port's youth programs,
year-round. E'port has
been using an unreliable 14-year old bus.
CPC Deacons Summer Camp Scholarships (Summit) $10,000.
Institute of Music For Children (Elizabeth) $5,000.
---- CPC
Vacation Bible School (Summit) $2,500.
2.) Shelter (18.1%)
---- Habitat
For Humanity (Summit) $30,000.
---- Family
Promise (Union County) $25,000.
Homeless Solutions (Morristown, N.J.) $20,000.
---- Home
First (Union County) $10,000.
3.) Pre-K Education For Disadvantaged
Children (16%)
---- E'port
Center (Elizabeth) $50,000. Overhead expense of four daily classrooms
60 youngsters engaged 8 A.M. to 3 P.M, five days a week..
---- The
Leaguers (Newark) $25,000. Daily 8 A.M.-3 P.M.classes for these youngsters.
4.) Food and Simple Clothing For The Homeless
---- Bridges
$20,000. Frequent sidewalk distributions (Newark, Irvington and
---- E'port
Center Food Bank Acct. $16,500. Food Pantry and sidewalk distributions in
---- CPC
Hands-On Mission Team $10,042. Sidewalk distributions / Midnight Runs.
S.H.I.P. (Summit) $7,000. Daily cooked meals served
Community Food Bank (Hillside, N.J.) direct payment of $5,958.
5.) Disaster Relief (7.5%)
---- PCUSA
(national) $15,000. Calif. forest fires and Hurricane Michael.
---- PCUSA
(national) $20,000. General Mission - Unified Giving.
6.) Non-U.S. Economic / Social Development (7.3%)
---- NOMI
(Southeast Asia) $20,000. Programs to combat human trafficking.
---- Haiti
Partners (Haiti) $10,000. Community development and education.
---- Domasi
Mission (Malawi) $4,000. A secondary school for girls.
7.) Presbytery's Annual Per Capita Assessment
---- Funding
support of national Presbyterian Church programs and offices $27,604.
8.) CPC Capital Campaign (5%)
---- $25,000 pledged for 2018. Will pledge $25,000 for
each of the next four years.
9.) Overseas Missionaries (3%)
---- $15,000
contribution to the work of our Missionary Nadia Ayoud now based in
Greece and working with
recent refugees from the Middle East.
10.) Short-Term Personal Financing To Prevent
Homelessness (2.0%)
$8,000. Sudden job loss, or a brief medical absence from paid
might cause a family to default on mortgage payments, rent payments or
otherwise lose their home. In
worthy cases, Down The Block (Millburn) will
provide short-term personal financing to prevent such homelessness.
thoughts are brought to you by CPC's Adult Spiritual Development Team, hoping
to encourage you to pursue some personal spiritual growth this Winter at CPC.
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