Tuesday, July 7, 2015

WEEKLY COMMENTARY: If Lives Are Ruled By "Luck," What's Left For Us To Do?

Last month I spent a day in New York City.  As the return train to Summit left Penn Station, I spotted a former neighbor walking up the aisle, and I motioned to him to join me.  My friend Tom and I had first met years before in a Bible study class.

After a little catching up about our respective families, I remembered that Tom had been an engineer, employed by a prominent internet communications company.  Predictably, we were soon asking each other how our work was going.   I proudly admitted that I had retired a few years earlier, but I was keeping quite busy.  Tom said he was now doing much of his work in foreign countries, and that he had recently returned from Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.  I remembered that a huge earthquake had devastated that country last April.  Tom said that it had killed nearly 9,000 people and had badly damaged the infra-structure of the country.

"It didn't help," Tom said, "that the country is in the middle of the Himalayan Mountains, quite remotely placed between India and China."  Tom had seen widespread ruin across the country, and many dead people and animals along the sides of roads, and bodies being collected from collapsed buildings and houses.

"And it made me realize," Tom continued, "that we are so lucky.  We are so lucky to be living here and not there."  He had some tears in his eyes when he said that.  He said he was sort of overwhelmed with gratitude.

I listened quietly, and then said, "You have so much gratitude, but then what?"

"We're just so lucky that we live here instead of there," Tom said.

"Really?  That's it?"  I said to Tom.

I paused and then asked a question:  "When you witness suffering and then declare yourself to have achieved salvation in the "religion of gratitude" for having good luck, do you think maybe you have fallen short of what God would have you do?"

I paused to think about my next words.  "While I think God does want us to feel gratitude," I said, "I do not think God particularly wants us to feel 'lucky'.  I think God wants us to witness pain and suffering and, rather than just feeling 'lucky', God wants us to get angry and then want to do something about it."

I continued:  "Feeling 'lucky' is like saying that the gods pick one person to live in the suburbs of the richest nation on earth, and another person to starve.   In a worldview of 'luck,' any righteous behavior by us is just not relevant.  'Luck' suggests that we are powerless and unable to change anyone else's "bad luck".  Furthermore, at some point the worldview of 'luck' just doesn't pan out.  At some point one realizes that this religion of 'luck' isn't enough, and we long for something as outrageous as a new heaven and a new earth."

"I think I hear what you are saying," Tom responded.  "What is missing from the "religion of 'luck' " worldview is the perspective that we get in a Christian community, that would take us from thinking ourselves merely 'lucky', to actually doing something about the hardships of other peoples' lives.  At some point, if one thinks about it at all, the person with the self-made religion of 'luck', will use his God-given brain and the wisdom of hard experience, and start to ask angry and provocative questions, and see holes in the spirituality of status quo.

We were now approaching Summit station, so I needed to say something that would wrap up our discussion:  "The civil rights movement didn't happen because people felt 'lucky'.  The hungry don't get fed, the homeless don't get sheltered, and the world doesn't change because people who are doing okay feel 'lucky'.  We need more.  As Christians we expect more, way more, like a new heaven and a new earth, and because we follow Jesus, we had better expect to be involved in making it happen, side-by-side with other people.

These thoughts are brought to you by CPC's Adult Spiritual Development Team, hoping to encourage you to pursue some personal growth this summer at C.PC

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